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Off Campus Library Resource Access FAQ

Need help accessing resources off campus?

The video below explains how to access Roseman Library online Resources.

If you are still having trouble please contact the Roseman University Library or Ask the Library.

Questions & Answers

How do I log in to resources?

Click on resource links (proxy links) on the library websites/guides. Those links will send you to this log in screen.

What is my Roseman network username and password?

Your username should be the first part of your Roseman email address. Example: If your email address is your username is jdoe1

If you do not know your password contact the Tech Services Helpdesk.

Why do I have to use the links provided by the library? Can't I Google for library resources?

Going through links on the library website or guides will route you through a server that will ask you to log in. This is to ensure that only Roseman students, faculty, and staff can access the resources. You can Google the name of a resource if you want, but the library cannot guarantee that you will be able to access full text articles or other resources that way.

Isn't PubMed free? Do I have to use a link to PubMed provided by the library?

PubMed is free to access, but not all the full-text content is free to access. Using a link from the library will give you links on each PubMed record back into our subscriptions. You can watch this video to make sure you are getting the most full-text access that you can get in PubMed.

Will I have to enter in my username and password if I go from one database to another?

You should not have to re-enter your username and password if you switch to another database unless you close your browser.

Why can't I access a particular article? I can only access the abstract or summary.

Depending on the library’s subscription terms you may not have full text access to every article you come across in a particular database. You can double check if we have access to a particular journal by searching for the journal title on the Journals By Title search available on the library website or through the Online Library Resources alphabetical list. If we do not have access to a particular article you can request it via Interlibrary loan.

I'm receiving a message that my web browser cannot connect to the proxy server.

Try clearing your browser history or temporary file cache in your browser or reset your browser settings.

After logging in to Online Library Resources and trying to go into a database I get a screen that says something about a host name and the EZ Proxy administrator having to use it as a starting point URL. What is wrong?

This means there is something wrong on our end. Email along with what resource (database or journal name) gave you this error.

When I am off campus during rotations/clinicals I cannot access the databases but I can when I am at home. Why?

Many workplaces install firewalls, other security measures, or may have their own proxy server. This can interfere with accessing our databases remotely. You will have to contact your workplace to find out if they can help you.

What do I do if my question is not addressed here?

Please contact your campus library. You can also search Ask the Library.

Find That Article

Trying to find a full-text article?

  • Search by the journal title.
  • Click on the links below the journal title for access.
  • Browse to the volume and issue number for that article or search for it by title.
  • Log in through the yellow bar at the top.
  • Search for the article by title.
  • Full-text links appear below the result or click on the result to access more information.
  • Use only a PubMed link provided by Roseman University Library.
  • Search for the article by title.
  • Click on the result.
  • Click on the small Roseman logo in the top right corner under "Full Text Links."
  • Other links under "Full Text Links" may or may not provide full text access.
  • Watch this video for more information.