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Statistics Resources

Health and non-health related statistics from the U.S. government and other agencies.

Health Care - Insurance

American Hospital Directory  

Information on hospitals including number of beds and services provided.

Health Care and Social Assistance Services  

Health Care and Social Assistance Services (NAICS 62): Estimated Revenue for Employer and Nonemployer Firms. Service industries annual survey.

Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project  

Compilation of state data from 1997 diagnoses and procedures.

Health Insurance Data (U.S.Census)  

U.S. Census Bureau data from the Current Population Survey.

Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS)  

Household-reported information on expenditures for home health visits including the type of provider, type of services received, length of the visit, reason for the visit, expenditures, and sources of payment.

Medicare County Enrollment 

Includes county data on Hospital Insurance, Supplemental Medical Insurance, Unduplicated count of persons enrolled in either or both parts of the program and Persons enrolled in both parts of the program.

National Health Care Survey (NCHS)  

Surveys of health care events involving hospitalizations such as surgeries and long-term stays.

PeriStats Web  

An interactive perinatal data resource which was developed by the March of Dimes. This resource provides state level maternal, infant and child health-related data with some county and national level data. Summaries "at a glance".

Health and Medical Care Archive (ICPSR)

Topical collection of ICPSR health and medical care data sets sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.