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Pharmacy Program Guide

Resource guide for the College of Pharmacy

Start Here

1. Find the right information resource to use for your drug question category.

2. Use Drug Databases to:

  • Get information on how to safely use individual drugs from drug monographs
  • Check for interactions
  • Check IV compatitbility
  • Identify pills

Exercise: Compare major drug databases. How they arrange information and what information they contain will matter to you.

3. Use medical reference tools or textbooks, like DiPiro's, to:

  • Review a disease or condition
  • Review treatment options

4. Use Clinical Practice Guidelines to:

  • Identify current therapeutic standards for specific conditions

5. Use clinical trials and other research articles to:

  • Identify new treatments in development and investigational drugs
  • Find research relevant to a complex or specific clinical situation or patient
  • Perform background research or literature review on a topic

6. Check for mobile apps.

7. Prepare for journal club.

Drug Information Databases

Medical Reference Tools

Drug Information Websites

Patient Safety

Patient Education Resources

Resources with patient information handouts and other consumer health information.

Drug Database Comparison Chart


Clinical Pharmacology



Beers Drug List

(Medication Use in
Older Adults)

Three dots under “Lists” & link at top of drug monographs Search for “beers criteria” Search for “beers criteria”

(Black) Box Warnings

Three dots under “Lists” & link at top of drug monographs Top of drug monograph Under “Resources” and in drug monograph

Briggs Drugs in Pregnancy & Lactation

NO - Has a pediatric monograph tab at the top of the main drug monograph In search results list when you search for a drug & link under the "Reproduction, Pregnancy, & Lactation" section of the drug monograph NO


Under “Resources” Top bar Under “Other Tools”

Do not crush/ chew list

Under “Lists” Search for “do not crush” Search for “do not crush”

Drug identifier

Under “Resources” On the top bar On the top bar

Interaction checker

Under “Reports" On the top bar On the top bar

IV compatibility

Under “Reports" On the top bar On the top bar

Mobile app

Yes, free for Roseman students & faculty. Not free for students. Academic discount link in database. Yes, free for Roseman students & faculty.

Pricing information

NO In drug monograph under “Preparations” “Red Book” on top bar and as a link at the right side in drug monographs

Pronunciation sound files

NO In drug monographs NO


(Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategies)

Three dots under “Lists” & link at top of drug monographs In drug monograph In drug monograph

Special feature

Link to the Harriet Lane Handbook on pediatric care and drug dosages. Three dots under "Resources." Relevant Clinical Practice Guidelines are listed in a section just below "Uses" in the drug monograph Drug comparison (top bar) allows for side by side viewing of multiple drug monographs at the same time

Special feature

TOXED - Clinical information for drug, plant, mushroom, etc. toxic exposure and overdose. Three dots under "Resources." Multiple types of drug monographs when searching a drug including Lexi-Drugs, AHFS, Geriatric, Pediatric, Briggs, Lexi-Tox, and more. Tox & Drug Product - drug and household product toxicology information. Click on "POISINDEX Managements" links for in depth information

Special feature

Drug Class Overviews. Three dots under "Resources." Dental uses and information listed near the end of the drug monograph Change search to "Disease" to find a brief clinical overview of the disease state

Resources by Topical Category


Resource (Roseman licensed & free)

General, Product-Related

Drug Databases; Package Inserts (DailyMed – official FDA label database)

Adverse effect

Drug Databases; UpToDate

Administration, Drug

Drug Databases

Antimicrobial Therapy

The Sanford Guide to Antimicrobial Therapy; Drug Databases


(free option) FDA Orange Book

Calculators (pharmaceutical; medical)

Drug Databases; UpToDate; (free options) GlobalRPh; MDCalc

Clinical Trials, Investigational Drugs

Cochrane trial registry; (free options) PubMed;

Comparative Tables



Drug Databases; UpToDate


Trissel's Stability of Compounded Formulation; USP-NF (see above for access); Remington’s; Martindale’s


Micromedex – Red Book; LexiComp; UpToDate (via LexiComp integration); (free option)

Dietary/Herbal Supplements

Natural Medicines; Drug Databases; (free options) Dietary Supplement Label Database; FDA Dietary Supplements

Diseases, Diagnosis

UpToDate; DiPiro’s Pharmacotherapy; Harrison’s Internal Medicine; ClinicalKey – Clinical Overviews; (free option) Merck Manual Professional


Drug Databases; (by condition) Clinical Practice Guidelines; (free option) DailyMed – official FDA label database

Drug Identification

Drug Databases; (free option)

Drug Interactions

Drug Databases;

Foreign/International Drugs

(free options) International; Canadian Drug Product Database; European Medicines Agency; WHO International Pharmacopoeia

Immunization Schedules

(Free option) CDC Immunization Schedules – also available as an app

IV Compatibility

Drug Databases; Handbook of Injectable Drugs

Nonprescription/Over-the-Counter products

Drug Databases; Handbook of Nonprescription Drugs

Patient Counseling/Education

Drug Databases; UpToDate; (free option) MedlinePlus and MedlinePlus Spanish


Drug Databases

Pharmacotherapeutics (see also Therapeutics)

Applied Therapeutics; DiPiro’s Pharmacotherapy; Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics; Basic & Clinical Pharmacology

Pharmacy/Medical News

Pharmaceutical News Index; (free options) Pharmacist's Letter; Prescriber's Letter; Pharmacy Times


Drugs in Pregnancy & Lactation (Briggs) – also available via LexiComp; (free option) LactMed

Therapeutics (see also Pharmacotherapeutics)

(General) UpToDate; (Condition specific) Clinical Practice Guidelines


LiverTox; Consumer Product Information Database; Drug Databases – Toxicology sections

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