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Pharmacy Program Guide

Resource guide for the College of Pharmacy

Textbook and Reference Sources

General Reference Books

The College of Pharmacy recommends the following materials as important referenece materials for all years of the PharmD program.

P1 Textbooks & References Books

The College of Pharmacy recommends the following materials for P1.

Pharmaceutical Calculations

Anatomy and Physiology

Medicinal Chemistry





P2 Textbook & Reference Books

The College of Pharmacy recommends the following materials for P2.

P2 & P3 Clinical Handbooks

The College of Pharmacy recommends the following materials for P2 & P3.

IPPE/APPE Handbooks

The College of Pharmacy recommends the following materials for Pharmacy Experientials.

Recommendations from Faculty

All suggested books for purchase will be reviewed by the relevant subject librarian and ERC