Filters are located to the left of the PubMed search results page. Filters add search terms and Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) to your search.
However, you cannot see the exact search terms or MeSH that were applied. Filters work fine for basic searches but cannot be relied upon for advanced searches, as you do not have total control over the search structure.
For more precision, scroll even further to Publication Date. Select a time range or customize a time range to search.
The library does not recommend Text Availability because it will not surface items that are available through Roseman University Library's holdings.
Roseman students, faculty and staff should always access PubMed from Roseman library links. This will add links in the PubMed records that go back to Roseman-subscribed databases.
Checking this filter will surface only articles that include verified free full-text links from PubMed Central.
This filter will find all articles with links. You will find more access using this filter because it will include links provided by publishers, which may or may not have free full-text access.
Article type applies Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) which are labels applied by humans. Article Type is an advanced feature that will not show everything you are looking for because the headings have not been added to every item in every database.
For example, if you apply Randomized Control Trials, you may not see all the Randomized Control Trials because some of them may not have that label applied.
Using Additional Filters is a three-step process.