Any article or e-book can be grouped into a collection. Unlike "saved searches," collections are static. They are not tied directly to your searches and contain only the items you intentionally select and store in the collection.
Collections are stored and managed from your My NCBI Dashboard.
1) Click on an article record
2) Click on Send to in the top right of the article record
3) Click on Collections
4) Either select an existing collection to add the article to or start and name a new collection
5) Click save. The collection including this record will be saved to your My NCBI Dashboard
You can save a collection of selected search results (use the check boxes next to the results), all results on that page (default is 10 results), or all results from that search.
1) To select multiple articles, tick the check boxes next to the desired article titles
2) Click on Send to at the top right of the results list
3) Click on Collections
4) Select which results you want to send to the collection (selected results, the results on that page, or all of the results from that search)
5) Either select an existing collection to add the article to or start and name a new collection
6) Click save. The collection including this record will be saved to your My NCBI Dashboard